Friday, January 31, 2025

W.O.C.K On Vinyl: Babies Go AC/DC (2012)

Before things get too serious here at Rock On Vinyl, I thought it might be fun to post a song / album at the end of each month, that could be categorized as being either Weird, Obscure, Crazy or just plain Korny.

This is my second 'Babies Go' Post (my first being 'Babies Go Pink Floyd') and I'd like to say that it is a bit more up tempo with its AC/DC theme, however if you are looking for those thumping 'Vanda & Young' riffs and school boy guitar licks from Angus then you are going to be bitterly disappointed.   
I know I was -  BOO HOO !

Once again the 'Sweet Little (cover) Band' have reproduced the tunes of their 'focus band' note for note, but instead of guitars, bass and drums, they only use keyboards and wind instruments with no vocals.

The play list on this release covers most of ACDC's big hits, with a 50/50 split between their Bon Scott and Brian Johnston material. Speaking of Bon Scott, I'm sure if he was able to hear this Korny tribute he would probably turn in his grave. In fact I'm sure that all ACDC's band members would probably shout "Hells Bells, this is a Dirty Deed Done Dirt Cheap".

There's not much more that I can say about this release, as there is bugger all information available, but if by chance you actually like this Month's WOCK Posting then you might be ticking the Crazy box.
If you are interested in exploring other Babies Go titles, then I suggest you  pop over to the RGS Website     

FYI: I've only ripped the CD to MP3 (320) format, because I don't think FLAC format would actually improve your listening experience with this one. Now, I'm off to play my favourite AC/DC album before it's my bedtime..... 

Track Listing:
01 Back In Black
02 Moneytalks
03 Highway To Hell
04 You Shook Me All Night Long
05 Who Made Who
06 Whole Lotta Rosie
07 Heatseeker
08 For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)
09 Hells Bells
10 Big Gun
11 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
12 Shoot To Thrill
13 The Jack
14 T.N.T.

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