Sunday, September 13, 2009

V.A - Australian Idol (Major Idols)

(Australian Artists 2003-2006)
I would like to dedicate this post to the memory of my baby sister 'Sally Louisa Jane' who passed away on the 12th September, 2009 - aged 47. Although I didn't really get the opportunity to know her better, I do know she loved music and adored Australian Idol. So, as a tribute to her life, I have posted four of the best Idol Artist's and their live Idol highlights.
Anthony Callea's 'The Prayer' is my prayer for you Sally, Damien Leigh says 'You Are So Beautiful To Me', Guy Sebastian tells 'Angels Brought You Here' and Shannon Noll explains the hardship you had to bear in your life. May you now rest in peace, my dear Sister. I will never forget you.

Track Listing
Guy Sebastian - Angels Brought Me Here (Idol 2003)
Shannon Noll - What About Me (Idol 2003)
Anthony Callea - The Prayer (Idol 2004)
Damien Leith - You Are So Beautiful (Idol 2006)
Note: All tracks were recorded live from free-to-air T.V and therefore should not breach any copyright laws. If however, you believe this is not the case, then please leave a comment and I will remove the posting.
Australian Idol Link (13Mb) New Link 13/08/2024


  1. Sorry to hear of your sad news. We wish you the best at this sad time :)

  2. Thank you Mr & Mrs Ozzie Music for your kind thoughts.
    PS. Welcome to the 50's club OzzieMusicman
